We run a healthy business with clear goals
Limunt works to bring musicians and consumers together by marketing and promoting the great Danish talent in music. Limunt wants to be the first choice in the Nordic region for live music and at the same time create a sustainable working life for the individual musician.
At Limunt, we are aware that we are in an industry where, both now and in the future, there needs to be an increased focus on gender equality. Therefore, we always aim for as diverse a group of musicians as possible.
Limunt works specifically on three of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals; Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Climate Action. Although we are not a large, global company, we have a responsibility to pave the way for a sustainable future.
Since 2022, Limunt has participated in a number of entrepreneurial courses in collaboration with Erhvervshus Hovedstaden, Tradecouncil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Connect Denmark regarding internationalisation advice, digitalisation, export, automation, including the courses SME Digital, Next Step, Saas Masterclass, SME export. Limunt has been used as a business case in various places in the industry (including the University of Copenhagen) as an example of a start-up that has a different DNA than most other cultural start-ups.

At Limunt, we prioritise local roots and strive to use local talent for each job. This minimises travel time and many gig jobs can be done by public transport or carpooling. In addition, we are conscious of our electricity consumption and only bring technical equipment that matches the event. For some smaller jobs we even play completely acoustically.
We are mindful of our paper consumption and have scrapped the printer in the office. All contracts are sent digitally.
In a borderland between artistic expression and building a sustainable business, we can ensure musicians a decent fee. We therefore also work closely with interest groups and trade unions.
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